Teithio'r wyf fynyddau maith
Teithio 'rwyf fynyddoedd maith
Teithio 'rwyf hyd lwybrau maith

(Concwest ar elynion)
1,2,(3,4); 1,2,3,((4),5,6); 1,3.
Teithio'r wyf fynyddau maith,
  Dyrys anial,
A gelynion ar fy nhaith,
  Yn fy attal,
Ond mi wela'r hyfryd wlad,
  Faith ei llawnder,
Ac i mewn i dŷ fy Nhad,
  Af ar fyrder.

Mi gaf goncwest yno'n lân,
  Ar elynion,
Nwydau oedd yn curo o'r blaen,
  Arnai'n greulon:
Ond ni ddaw pechod o unrhyw,
  Fyth i mlino,
Na'r demtasiwn decca ei lliw,
  I mewn yno.

Iesu cymmer fi'n dy gôl,
  Rhag diffygio,
Na'd fy enaid bach yn ol,
  Sydd yn crwydro;
Arwain fi trwy'r anial maith,
  Aml rwydau,
Fel na flinwyf ar fy nhaith,
  Nes myn'd adre.

Dedwydd yw sy'n profi'th hedd,
  A'th gymmundeb,
Ac yn gweled hyfryd wedd,
  Dy lân wyneb;
Dy gyfeillach nefol wiw,
  Fydd fy iechyd,
A dy heddwch hyfryd yw,
  Fy ngwir fywyd.

Daeth o'r diwedd, hyfryd ddydd,
  Pan caiff caethion,
Draed a dwylaw oll yn rhydd,
  Oedd mewn cyffion:
Gwawriodd concwest nefol wiw,
  Pen Calfaria,
Minnau ganaf tra fwy'f byw,

Nid oes terfyn fyth i'w gael,
  Ar ei gariad;
Mae'i drysorau mawrion hael,
  Uwch eu dirnad:
Ynddo'i hunan y mae'n llwyr
  'R'hyn ddymuna
F'enaid egwan, fore a hwyr -
Daeth o'r diwedd :: O'r diwedd daeth
'R'hyn ddymuna :: oll ddymuna
           - - - - -

Teithio 'rwyf fynyddoedd maith,
  Dyrys anial,
A gelynion ar fy nhaith,
  Sy'n fy attal;
Ond mi wela'm hyfryd wlad,
  Trwy'r ëangder,
Ac i mewn i dŷ fy Nhad,
  Dof ar fyrder.

Mi gaf goncwest yno'n lân,
  Ar elynion,
Nwydau oedd yn curo o'r blaen,
  Arnai'n gyson,
Ni ddaw pechod o un rhyw,
  Fyth i'm blino,
Na'r temtasiwn oreu ei liw,
  I mewn yno.

Ond llawenydd fel y môr,
  Sy wrth ei orsedd,
A thangnefedd ddwyfol 'stor,
  Fyth heb ddiwedd;
Mi gaf drachtio'r
    hyfryd hedd,
  Ffynnon bywyd,
Sydd yn tarddu o waelod bedd
  Fy Anwylyd.

           - - - - -

Teithio'r wyf hyd lwybrau maith,
  Dyrys anial,
A gelynion ar fy nhaith,
  Am fy atal;
Ond mi wela'm hyfryd wlad,
  Yn y pellder,
A thragwyddol dŷ fy Nhad,
  Lle mae llawnder.

Mi gaf yno goncwest lân
  Ar bob gelyn,
A phob rwystyr oedd o'r blaen,
  Yn fy erbyn;
Ni ddaw pechod o un rhyw
  I fy mlino,
Ond goleuni wyneb Duw
  Byth fydd yno.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7474D]:
Dychweliad (Ellis Edwards 1844-1915)
Gogerddan (Joseph Pary 1841-1903)
Gwynedd (<1875)
  Easter (1829)
Nebo (alaw Gymreig)
Patmos (alaw Germanaidd)
Rhoslan (Morris Davies 1796-1876)
Weimar (<1875)

  Caned nef a daear lawr
  Dyma'r Aberth mae erioed
  Mi a gredaf yn fy Nuw
  Ni chaiff fyth o'i ddefaid rhi

(Victory over enemies)
Travelling I am vast mountains,
  A troublesome desert,
With enemies on my journey,
  Obstructing me,
But I see the delightful land,
  Vast its fullness,
And into my Father's house,
  I shall go shortly.

I shall get victory there totally,
  Over enemies,
Lusts that were beating before,
  Against me cruelly:
But no sin of any kind shall come,
  Ever to grieve me,
Nor the temptation of fairest hue,
  Within there.

Jesus, receive me in thy bosom,
  Lest I fail,
Do not leave my little soul behind,
  Which is wandering;
Lead me through the vast desert,
  Of manifold snares,
That I may not be wearied on my journey,
  Until going home.

Happy is one who is experiencing thy peace,
  And thy communion,
And seeing the delightful feast,
  Of thy holy face;
Thy worthy, heavenly friendship,
  Shall be my health,
And thy delightful tranquility is,
  My true life.

At last the delightful day came,
  When captives get,
Feet and hands all free,
  That were is fetters:
The worthy, heavenly victory dawned,
  On the summit of Calvary,
And I shall sing while ever I live,

There is never any limit to be had,
  To his love;
He great, generous treasures are
  Above being grasped:
In himself he is completely
  That which my weak soul
Wishes, morning and evening -
That which ... Wishes :: All that ... Wishes
                 - - - - -

Travelling I am vast mountains,
  A troublesome desert,
With enemies on my journey,
  Who are obstructing me;
But I see my delightful land,
  Through the vastness,
And into my Father's house,
  I shall come shortly.

I shall get victory there completely,
  Over enemies,
Lust that were beating before,
  Upon me constantly,
No sin of any kind shall ever
  Come to grieve me,
Nor the temptation of best hue,
   Within there.

But joy like the sea,
  Which is by his throne,
And a divine store of peace,
  Ever without end;
I shall get to drink deeply of the
    delightful peace,
  The fountains of life,
Which springs for the bottom of the grave
    Of my Beloved.

                - - - - -

Travelling I am along vast paths,
  A troublesome desert,
With enemies on my journey,
  Wanting to prevent me;
But I see my delightful land,
  In the distance,
And my Father's eternal house,
  Where there is fulness.

I shall get victory there completely,
  Over every enemy,
And every obstruction that was before
  Against me;
No sin of any kind shall come
  To grieve me,
But the light of the face of God
  Forever shall be there.
tr. 2019,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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